Friday, November 29, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird free essay sample

Expository Essay Submit via Engrade Turn-ins Instruction: You are to write a 1000-2500 word five-paragraph expository essay on suggested topics from To Kill A Mockingbird. The notion behind expository writing is that the writer attempts to  expose  or reveal  information that the reader is not likely to know. Your primary goal, then, is to explain a concept. Your objective in this essay is to demonstrate your proficiency at using well-chosen examples of various types. You will be expected to refer to your lecture notes, your textbooks and the class website as resources for your writing. See below for suggested topics and structure. [pic] Essay Topics 1. Analyze the childhood world of Jem, Scout, and Dill and their relationship with Boo Radley. 2. Explore how Jem and Scout change during the course of the novel. Evaluate how they remain the same. 3. Examine what it means to be the â€Å"other† or an outsider in the novel. We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mockingbird or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Place your analysis in historical context, taking into consideration the social and economic milieu of the 1930s. 4. Discuss the role of symbolism in To Kill a Mockingbird. Organising and Structuring your Essay 1. Introductory Paragraph:  Begin your expository essay by raising the audience’s interest in the introductory paragraph with an anecdotal example (or another  hook  to get your reader interested). While using anecdotes is not the only method of building an introductory paragraph, it is fundamentally easy and an effective strategy for connecting with your audience. In the very last sentence of your introductory paragraph, state your  expository thesis. Usually expository thesis statements, like the sample topics above, are expressed in the form of an opinion/claim. Yours hould be stated in the form of an opinion/claim as well. Feel free to e-mail me or meet with me to discuss your expository thesis. 2. Main Body Section:  In the main body of your essay, you must use  3-4  general examples. (Depending on your topic, you might also think of these general examples as â€Å"reasons†. ) Each of these 3-4 general examples must be developed in a separate paragraph. Within each of these 3-4 paragraphs, employ the various types of specific, supportive examples discussed both in your textbook and in the class lecture (especially  the one on paragraphs). Apply some organising principle (chronological, ascending or descending importance) †¢ Be sure that you constantly keep your expository thesis statement in mind, as that is the concept or opinion that you are trying to explain and illustrate to your audience. 3. Concluding Paragraph:  Your concluding paragraph should clearly bring the essay to a close. You can use another anecdotal example, or you may use any other way to emphasise your main point in the essay. Remember not to simply restate your thesis statement. †¢Ã‚  Page length:  Your essay must be between 2 ? and 3 typed, double-spaced pages. Remember to title your essay uniquely. Don’t call it the â€Å"Expository Essay Assignment†. †¢Ã‚  Audience:  your instructor, other college and university students. If you use any niche terms or particularly unusual examples you will need to explain them. †¢Ã‚  Writing Mode:  primarily expository; optional analysis. †¢Ã‚  Purpose:  to practise the skill of supporting claims with examples; to inform and explain. †¢Ã‚  Style Guidelines:  Remember, your paper must follow the basic conventions of standard Canadian written English (correct mechanics, usage, grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure etc†¦) and MLA style if you do any referencing. To Kill A Mockingbird free essay sample To what extent is ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ a critique of the values promoted in Maycomb society? Maycomb County is its own little world, made of real people but it reflects the wider world of America in terms of its attitudes, issues and characters. It, the microcosm which reflects the macrocosm of America, such as the way blacks are regarded and treated. The story is told from a viewpoint of a growing 6 year old child, Scout Finch. So we are seeing situations from an innocent ‘eye’, ‘she looked and smelled like a peppermint drop’ after the misinforming way the child regards adults and the way they act and talk. This sober judgement is a truth to be understood by all young people because they don’t understand certain things in life. For example recognising the quality of their parents, such as when Atticus had the ‘best shot in the county’ with the mad dog incident. We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill A Mockingbird or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Scout discovers values of Atticus, which develops her respect for him. Scout doesn’t understand why ladies disapprove of the manner of her growing up, ‘Jean Louise stop scratching your head,’ and also why Atticus is very strict in what’s right and wrong. This again highlights her innocence and that she’ll soon learn to discover that things change in life and one must accept them. Scout represents how people develop attitudes because of a lack of knowledge. For example, she imagines Boo Radley being a ‘malevolent phantom’ which is based purely on hearsay. She comes to learn that people can be different yet there need be no prejudice against them. This is shown by the way she grew to understand Boo Radley and really she’s teaching a lesson to the community through the words and visions of the writer. This idea is portrayed in the New Testament where children, without prejudging through their innocence, show adults the way they should act. Scouts point of view idealises the belief in power of the Law but the reality is that the Law failed Tom Robinson, ‘Guilty†¦Guilty†¦Guilty. ’ We see how savage, normally reasonable adults can be when they came as a lynching party to prison. As in the book, the ‘Lord of the Flies’, we are shown that civilization is only a thin veneer and just below the surface people are savage and vicious. You know what we want get aside from the door Mr Finch,’ was quoted by a member of the lynch mob. It is interesting how the author is the innocent child throughout the novel, as there is hope on one side for a better world with the next generation, but a fear that when the child will grow, she may turn into the character of other adults and so loose her innocence. Hope is also indicated for the black community where, if lucky, had white people beginning to openly support them. At that time, however, the feeling was not strong enough and the accused black man was doomed to be condemned before the trial even started. For example, when Atticus forcefully showed that Tom was innocent and that the Ewells were lying, with proof, the verdict was still going to be guilty and the reader certainly gets the feeling of white supremacy when Tom was shot in prison. This shows that it is victimisation as there was no ‘absence of any corroborative evidence. ’ The white ladies of Maycomb society were a very typical group of hypocritical gossips. The majority belonged to the Missionary society in which gossip would be rife. For example when they lamented over an African tribe called the Mrunas and their living conditions, it lead to a discussion about how ungrateful the women believe Maycomb’s African-American community is. ‘Her eyes were always filled with tears those poor Mrunas†¦not a white person will go near em,’ however, they were failing to see that they have their own brand of racial discrimination happening in their daily lives. This is highlighted in the set out of Maycomb town. Through segregation, the blacks lived on one side of the ‘railway track’ and the whites on another. This also applied to the churches that the citizens attended. We know this owing to Scout and Jem’s experience to the ‘colored’ church, escorted by their black cook Calpurnia. Harper Lee presents the black people in a better light, which is true as we see the jury, lynch mob and most certainly the Ewells being anything but nice. On the other side, Calpurnia, the firm boss of her own kitchen has respect from Atticus and is an almost surrogate mother. She leads a ‘double life’ with the white and black communities and is accorded respect by the ones who care and gives respect in return. The ladies feel that it is their duty to start to influence Scout to behave more ‘lady like’ as we see with Scouts and Aunt Alexandra’s conversations. But even here, we see them being very human and real as with the sharp-tongued Mrs. Dubose, until Jem learns a very important lesson about life, about not judging people unless you know their circumstances. ‘You never really know a person until you stand and walk around in its shoes. We, as teenagers, relate to Scout in objecting to what is seen as the fussy interference of the ladies. But as time goes by and Scout accepts more and more, she is beginning to evolve into being a new lady. This reflects Atticus’ splendid way of bringing his children up and explaining issues and morals to be learnt, ‘just remember that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird’ even though they are criticised by Aunt Alexandra. It is a measure of successful parenting that society tolerated theses ladies in such a dignified way. Education is a key value that is criticised too. One lady in particular was singled out for a critical portrait and that was the schoolteacher of Scout who should have known better. Mrs. Caroline Fisher objected that Scout had been taught to read at home and therefore wanted her to start afresh than building on whatever had been done. ‘When Miss. Caroline threatened†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ The ‘ladies’ will become an increasing influence on Scout on the absence of her mother; they mean well and wish to be of use, but they find it difficult to move away from their traditional attitudes of the South, which saw slavery as an unchallenged way of life and white superiority is the norm. This has been so true of school teachers over the years, who don’t want parents to interfere with education and it is only recently that a more open attitude has been shown by the education profession where they will encourage and build on skills for the more able. The people of Maycomb were like any other American community at that time. They were entrenched in racial prejudice, where an accused black man was presumed to be guilty. For all of Atticus’ logical demonstration that Tom could not have raped Mayella and that it was most probably her father who assaulted her when he was drunk, the jury convicted Tom. Scout was disturbed and confused by this but Atticus advised her, ‘It’s not okay to hate anybody’. This was not the only criticism to be levelled at the adults of Maycomb. There was much debate about Hitler and his oppression of the Jews. Such segregation was seen as wrong. In fact Miss Gates explained democracy with ‘Equal rights for all, special privileges for none’, and stated ‘We are a democracy’, without recognising the racial oppression in her home town. Maycomb was certainly a town of the South with its serious, atmospheric court room, segregating black and white, ‘colored balcony,’ and its slow pace of life which was reflected by the drawling dialects of the speakers, ‘yes suh†¦no comment,’ which again showed how the people had search into accepted ways of life. Another deep, but understandable prejudice by the adults was the way they considered Boo Radley. Scout created in her mind a vision of a monster for this recluse, ‘it’s because he wants to stay inside. The adults were not so different in their views, apart from Atticus, for they allowed all sorts of stories to develop purely because he was different and didn’t fit in. Fear may be the reason, ignorance certainly is a cause. Scout had a sufficiently open mind to allow a new awareness to develop about this kind, quiet man. Her understanding led to his rescuing from the Ewell’s attack. Scout comes to realise and understand that persecuting Boo would truly be ‘like killing a Mockingbird. ’ What sort of world Harper Lee was portraying and how true to life was it really? What sort of world did she want to portray? Harper Lee had a vision of the world, similar to Martin Luther King who was influenced by this book. Lee ‘had a dream’ where there was no prejudice against those who were different physically and mentally, for example with Tom Robinson and Boo Radley, one was a ‘nigger’ and the other was ‘white’ and one ‘mockingbird’ was ‘shot’ and the other ‘mockingbird’ was forced to kill. There would be no prejudice in terms of race and only be, ‘one kinda folks. Folks. Also the relevance of Atticus’s belief in Calpurnias dignity and how he had no prejudice against women generally, ‘listen to your aunt’ is shown. Lee saw a world which was based on respect for a set of Laws that protected the vulnerable, would be followed, and which would allow a way of life where reason would overcome emotional prejudice. For example ‘Somehow Atticus had hit her hard in a way that was not clear to me, but it gave him no pleasure to do so’, shows he never humiliated Mayella Ewell but felt sorry as he realised that she had been raped by her father. Very positive visions in reality have all too often negative manifestations, but the hope was that things would improve in the future. Lee presents the speech of the characters in their own dialect. For example, the attitude of the white people to the blacks is shown when they refer to them as ‘niggers’ or ‘darkies’; these emotive words would be disapproved of today. This language suggests the character of the speaker and Judge Taylor cautions Bob Ewell for his bad language in court. In contrast, Miss Maudie uses rather posh language when Jem offered her some chewing gum. Chewing gum cleaved to her palate and rendered her speechless. ’ This language fascinated Jem. Calpurnia at one stage turns to black grammar and Scout comments on her change from white standard English and asks ‘Cal†¦Why do you talk nigger talk? ’ The most important feature of the language is shown by two of the characters. Atticus is very serious as would be expected from a lawyer in court. ‘She has merely broken a rigid and time-honored code of our society, a code so severe that whoever breaks it is hounded from our midst as unfit to live with. He does not do this to show of but because his way of life demands precise language, which is calm and reasoned. The other person is Scout who is the narrator. The language she uses is adult in style, because Scout is recounting memories of her childhood. This is a very clever technique carried out by Lee because it allows her to ask questions about the adults in Maycomb and to show how puzzled she is by what goes on. For example, her narration leads into Atticus explaining to Jem why Mrs. Dubose is so bad-tempered and yet should be understood. Scout’s misunderstanding about her world and the adult’s, usually to humorous situations, but it also draws us, the reader, into her world where she observes Maycomb and its people. Lee presents the vision for a better future through Scout’s open minded innocence and Atticus’s words. We, like Scout are caught up in his conversations and come to realise, as did Scout, that ‘it was not until many years later that I realised he wanted me to hear every word he said. ’ To Kill a Mockingbird free essay sample Many people are seen as good, and many are seen as evil, but that is never the only side to a person. People are often judged by social and financial inequality. Both of these themes are illustrated in the book and movie that are talked about in this essay. Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird and the movie Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, develop the theme of â€Å"The Coexistence of Good and Evil† and â€Å"Social and Financial Inequality† in order to illustrate equality. In Harper Lee’s book To Kill A Mockingbird there were many times in where there were two obvious opposing forces coexisting at certain times in the book. The two forces that are being opposed to each other are called â€Å"Good Evil†. The good and evil were different for each character in this book. Tom Robinson’s trial had two different sides with one that could be known as being evil for accusing a innocent man for a crime which he did not commit, while the good is when Atticus for defended the innocent man from being sent to prison for something that he did not do. We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mockingbird or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I dont know, but they did it. Theyve done it before and they did it tonight and theyll do it again and when they do it-seems that only children weep† (Lee 285). This quote provides proof that â€Å"Good Evil† do coexist. Towards the middle and end of Hunger Games, the coexistence of good and evil is shown between a few of the characters in the movie. The biggest example of this is the alliance that is formed to kill Katniss. Cato, the â€Å"leader† of the alliance, is destined to win the Hunger Games, so he forms a group that will work together. Cato has an â€Å"evil† type of personality and he is from a district that trains, and volunteers as tribute for the Hunger Games. People in his district have won several times, and they are stuck up and arrogant. The main reason he is a example of the coexistence of good and evil is because he wants to win, but he has an evil attitude towards the other people in the Hunger Games. At the beginning of To Kill a Mockingbird, we are introduced to the different social statuses and the social inequality in Maycomb. An example of social inequality is the the Cunningham family. A specific example of this is when Scout asked Aunt Alexandra if Walter could come over for dinner. Then Aunt Alexandra said,†Jean Louise, there is no doubt in my mind that they’re not good folks. But they’re not our kinds of folks†(Lee 224). This shows that Aunt Alexandra does not believe that Scout should be interacting with Cunningham family, mainly because they are not on the same social category as Scout and her family. The movie Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, clearly illustrates social and financial inequality thorough the entire movie. The most noticeable difference shown in this movie, is between the Capitol, and the districts. The Capitol is very wealthy and is a very nice place, where the districts have barely any money, food. or freedom. District 12, where the two main characters, Katniss and Peeta, are from, has little to any food, and is a outline district, which means they are under looked. Katniss and Peeta are very surprised and are not used to all the food and wealth, while they are in the capitol. It is very unfair how the districts are treated, compared to the Capitol, which is a form of social and financial equality. Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird and the movie Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, illustrated equality by developing the theme of â€Å"The Coexistence of Good and Evil† and â€Å"Social and Financial Inequality†. They both showed different examples of each theme, in several different ways. Many people are treated poorly from social and financial inequality and by the coexistence of good and evil. The point that is being made in this essay, is that people should not be treated differently because they have less money or live in a different way, or the way they act around others. To Kill a Mockingbird free essay sample Edmund Burke discusses how Atticus triumphs and is victorious but has to suffer through hardships and abuse in order to stand up for what is right. This quotation expresses Atticus role in Harper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird. The novel is set in Maycomb, Alabama during the 1930s which helps to establish the economic hard times and racism. Atticus Finch takes on the case of Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping Mayella Ewell. The community is divided and the majority of the people do not agree with his decision. Atticus stands for Justice. In order for him to pursue Justice, he has to receive the multitudes of abuse. Every move Atticus makes, his children and community realize the full weight of these decisions. Atticus decision to defend Tom Robinson has an effect on his children, his community, and himself. Atticuss decision to defend Tom Robinson has a direct effect on his children. We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mockingbird or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The public is critical of Atticus, and the treatment of his children reflects that. Jem and Scout are called names and criticized by not only their peers but also their neighbors. They electively subject themselves to the trial which places them in a complicated situation. Jem believes throughout the trial that Atticus is going to win which shows Jems first-hand experience with injustice. All evidence points to the fact that Tom is innocent yet, Tom is found guilty based on the Jurys decision. It is not the facts but the fact that Tom is black that changes the truth into Mayellas lie. As a result, Jems view of the world suddenly changes. Its like bein a caterpillar in a cocoon Like somethin asleep wrapped up in a warm place. I always thought Maycomb folks were the best folks in the world, least thats what they seemed like (Lee 215). At one time he thinks that all people in Maycomb County are faultless. After seeing the discrimination and racism, he sees the prejudice and the hate and this is when he changes. This quotation represents Jems loss of innocence. The mockingbird symbolizes innocence throughout the entire novel so the book title would mean the death of innocence. At this moment, Jem experiences his own death of innocence by realizing the bias and racial intolerance of society. Jems maturity is the final outcome of Tom Robinsons case. Atticuss decision to defend Tom not only affects his children but also the community. This case brings up mainly the issue of race but also shows how the community is divided between the traditional south and the future of the south. People like Miss Dubose and Miss Merriweather are stuck in the old south, while people like Atticus and his children; bring forward new racial ideas about equality. Atticus forces people to be accountable for their decisions. This is best exemplified through the lynch mob. Atticus goes to the Jail that night is to protect Tom Robinson so the mob does not kill him. This is illustrated through their disguise of cold weather clothing and drunken state. This clan of men represents the opinion of the community about the trial. These planned racist actions are averted by Scouts innocent questioning. Scout picks a man out of the mob and isolates him by calling on him, which makes Mr. Cunningham realize his erroneous actions. She starts to empathize with Atticus. Mr. Cunningham realizes that Atticus is helping Tom Just like Atticus is helping him. In this realization, the mob departs. This later affects the verdict of the Jury because a Cunningham is left to make a decision. This is a sign for a possible change. Mr. Cunningham and the citizens are affected by Atticuss decision to defend a black man. Atticuss decision to defend Tom affects him physically, mentally, and emotionally. It is evident when the sweat pours down his face in court, Tom dies, and Bob Ewell tries to kill Jem and Scout. By the end of the novel, Bob Ewell is beyond the state of being able to process thoughts completely. Jem and Scout are walking home from the pageant at the high school, and Scout remembers that she forgot her shoes. Jem says it is too dark and they should Just keep walking. As they walk, Jem keeps stopping because of a consistent noise that miraculously disappears as they stop. Little did they know that who they thought was Cecil in the darkness was really Bob Ewell trying to carry out his threat to Atticus. Theres Just some kind of men you have to shoot before you can say hidy to em. Even then, they aint worth the bullet it takes to shoot em (Lee 269). Sheriff Tates quotation explains to Atticus that Bob Ewells killing is nothing for anyone to feel guilty about because it put to rest a piece of racial inequality. Ewell blames Atticus for the outcome of the trial and how it made him guilty in the eyes of society. Even though Ewell won over the Jury, he did not win over the Judge, the black community, or the white community because Atticus shows the truth. The only thing that was in the way of Tom winning the case was a white mans word against a black mans. Bob Ewell ends up falling onto a knife when he ries to kill the children. Atticus takes into consideration that the killing of Bob Ewell is a step into the killing of racism. Atticus is the heroic figure throughout the novel and standing up for Tom only seems to affect him negatively but has all positive outcomes. Atticus defending Tom Robinson results in his beneficiaries paying a price. Atticus, his children, and his community go through a devastating battle, but ultimately come out victorious. Jem losses his innocence and becomes aware of the injustices in his community. The lynch mob is stopped, but Mr. Cunningham as an individual becomes more aware of his decisions. Tom Robinson is on trial, but behind him is racism on trial. Even though Tom has lost the trial in court, he wins the trial in the hearts of men. This shows the first step in a gradual change of society and societys ability to change. Edmund Burke shows that Atticus faces exploitation and suffering but it was all for the feat over racism and conquering the injustice throughout society. With any great struggle, there will be a price to pay and a gradual progression of Justice. To Kill a Mockingbird free essay sample To Kill a Mockingbird alludes to Atticuss warning to Scout not to shoot her rifle at mockingbirds because they do nothing to harm people or there crops they only provide lovely music for people to listen to. (p. 119) Without this warning in the story the title wouldnt make sense, it would just be an off shot statement oblivious to the surrounding story. The warning is cryptic at first glance but looking back one can interpret this as foreshadowing. Atticuss warning is later turned into a metaphor when Tom Robinson, an innocent man who picked cotton for Link Deas, is accused of raping a young woman whos house he walked by twice a day. This is where Ms. Lee creates the metaphor between the mockingbird and Tom Robinson, the crippled African-American man accused of rape. The mockingbird and Tom Robinson have several similarities, they are both innocent, and free of sin, they are both humble and try only to good and it is considered a sin to kill a mockingbird and a crippled man. We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mockingbird or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Tom Robinson is a crippled African-American man being used as a scapegoat for a crime that never happened. He was proven innocent by a lawyer accepting of all races, yet was jailed by a jury unable to push aside a prejudice and end a portion of racism in small southern town. As readers we are led to believe that Tom Robinson was an innocent man accused for a crime that he didnt commit, and jailed by a court of intolerance. Tom Robinson was killed as a criminal but died as an innocent man, he did not commit the crime that was pressed upon him, and was wrongfully killed while serving time for his oppression. The title of To Kill a Mockingbird has very little literal connection to the plot, but it carries a great deal of symbolic weight in the book. In this story of innocents destroyed by evil, the â€Å"mockingbird† comes to represent the idea of innocence. Thus, to kill a mockingbird is to destroy innocence. Throughout the book, a number of characters (Jem, Tom Robinson, Dill, Boo Radley, Mr. Raymond) can be identified as mockingbirds—innocents who have been injured or destroyed through contact with evil. This connection between the novel’s title and its main theme is made explicit several times in the novel: after Tom Robinson is shot, Mr. Underwood compares his death to â€Å"the senseless slaughter of songbirds,† and at the end of the book Scout thinks that hurting Boo Radley would be like â€Å"shootin’ a mockingbird. † Most important, Miss Maudie explains to Scout: â€Å"Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but . . . sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird. † That Jem and Scout’s last name is Finch (another type of small bird) indicates that they are Scout is puzzled by this remark and asks Miss Maudie Atkinson about it. Miss Maudie says that: To Kill a Mockingbird free essay sample This paper introduces and discusses literary influences in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. The following paper discusses Harper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird, one of the most popular books of all time. This paper briefly describes the story of Scout, a young girl who is growing up in a small Alabama town, but it also comments on the story of racial prejudice, and one mans fight against it. The paper looks at the story of Scouts father, Atticus, who is a well-respected lawyer in the community, that is, until he decides to defend a Black man accused of rape, Tom Robinson. The writer of this paper asserts that this novel is more than just a story about racial prejudice, rather it is a story about being an outsider, no matter what color you are, and it also is a story of good and evil, where good triumphs in the end. We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mockingbird or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The mockingbirds are gentle, and the opposite of the bluejays. All they do is sing lovely songs, and try to get along in the bird world. They symbolize the Blacks in this small Alabama town, because all they try to do is get along, and they would not hurt anyone. Even the last name of the Finch family is symbolic of the bird symbolism used in this book. Finches are small, gentle birds, which live in large communal groups. Atticus is a gentle man, who does not believe in prejudice at any level, and fiercely defends Tom Robinson and Boo Radley, because he knows they are innocent, and they are really on trial because of their color, or because they are different and do not fit in to the society of the small town. Atticus is a gentle man, the hero of the story, but he is not afraid to stand up for what he thinks is right. To Kill a Mockingbird free essay sample Find a sentence which illustrates the following idea/attitude:pride in conformity and distrust of those who are different The Radleys kept to themselves and kept their shutters and doors closed on Sundays. 1. Chapter one introduces readers to the town of Maycomb, its appearance, its inhabitants, and the particular attitudes of many of its people. Find a sentence which illustrates the following idea/attitude:awareness of difference in social classes The Cunninghams from Old Sarum were the nearest thing to a gang in Maycomb. â€Å"the wrong crowd† 1. Chapter one introduces readers to the town of Maycomb, its appearance, its inhabitants, and the particular attitudes of many of its people. Find a sentence which illustrates the following idea/attitude:narrow span of interest and almost no interest in the world outside Maycomb superstition and gossip surrounding the Radleys 1. Approximately when does the story begin? Show evidence to support your answer. Two references help establish the time as the early 1930s: the movie Dracula and the reference to FDR’s address â€Å". We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mockingbird or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page . . nothing to fear but fear itself. † 1. What do we know for certain about Boo Radley? Boo had been kept a virtual prisoner in his home since misdemeanors in his teens. 1. Why is Boo fascinating to the children? Boo is fascinating to the children because he lives in a run-down, spooky house and is the subject of many superstitions. Because they have never seen him, the children are fascinated with pretending about Boo. Chapter Two 2. Scout makes three mistakes during her first day at school. What are her mistakes, and why do they make Miss Caroline so angry? On the first day of school, Scout reads, writes, and attempts to explain to Miss Caroline the kind of poor people the Cunninghams are. Miss Caroline feels inadequate. 3. Why are the professional people in Maycomb poor at this time? Professional people are poor because the farmers were poor; Maycomb is farm country. 4. What is the WPA, and why won’t Mr. Cunningham work for it? WPA was the Works Progress Administration, a government-sponsored agency which created jobs constructing public buildings. It was part of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal. Mr. Cunningham apparently disagreed politically. Chapter Three 5. Calpurnia lectures Scout on manners when Scout criticizes Walter’s manners and Atticus supports her. What does this tell you about how both Calpurnia and Atticus feel about others? Cal believes anyone who is a guest in one’s house should be treated with courtesy. Atticus supports Cal. 6. Burris Ewell, Walter Cunningham, and Chuck Little are all from extremely poor families. However, there are great differences both in appearance and in attitudes, particularly between the Cunninghams and the Ewells. What are those differences and why do you suppose they exist? The instinctive courtesy of Chuck Little and the steely pride of Walter Cunningham contrast with the filthy, foul-mouthed Burris Ewell. This may be a result of different attitudes and examples set for them by their parents. 7. Atticus tells Scout, â€Å"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view. . . until you climb in his skin and walk around in it. † What are some of the things that Scout begins to realize at this point? Scout has learned to try to look at things from another person’s point of view. 8. Why does Atticus say that the law is rigid for â€Å"common folk,† but it is bent in certain ways for the Ewells? Atticus explains that the Ewells will never change; therefore, the law permits them to stay out of school and allows their father to hunt out of season so the children can have food. 9. What is the â€Å"compromise† which Atticus suggests? Atticus suggests a compromise of Scout’s attending school in return for being able to go on reading every night as they always have. Chapter 4 1. She says about her teacher, she also says about the different types of students and how the higher grades get out 30 min after them 2. They are coming from Boo Radley as gifts from him to the children. He watches them all the time from inside his house. 3. Scout is scared of the laughing she heard from the Radley house when she rolled in the tire, and Atticus was already suspicious that the children were acting out Boos legend, or the Boo Radley game. Chapter 5 1. A kind, cheerful, and witty neighbor and trusted friend of Scouts, who also upholds a strong moral code and helps the children gain perspective on the events surrounding the trial. She also loves gardening. Miss. Maudie adds a gentleness to the mother figure that Calpurnia, although she cares geatly for Scout, cant always give. She helps Scout as Jem grows up and distances himself from her. Miss. Maudie reassures Scout when things get nasty and he neighbours criticize Atticus. Miss. Maudie not only nurtures Scout but shows her what is really important in life. I like her react when her house burns down. As she watches the flames devour her house, she simply states that she always wanted a smaller one with a bigger garden. 2. No she is not putting down all baptist because she is a baptist herself, she was just putting down the foot washing Baptists. 3. What she is saying is that religion makes people do worse things than whiskey. At least, she is saying it is possible for that to happen. 4. Atticus wants equality for all and believes the court can be the equalizer. He believes that Radley deserves a right to privacy,just like everyone else. Chapter 6 5. because it is Dills last day in maycomb and he wants to see what the radley place looks like. 6. Jem says to Scout Scout Im tellin you for the last time, shut your trap or go home I declare to the lord youre gettin more like a girl every day! Then Scout states she no option but to join them (Jem and Dill) 7. This tells us that Jem is fearful of him fathers authority and has a lot of respect for his father and wants to continue to have a good relationship with him. Chapter 7 1. Jems pants(Jemery Atticus Finch) had been left stuck under the fence of Boos yard. When jem returnded later that night to get his pants they had been untangles from the fence, sewn (very poorly), and folded and hung on the fence as if they were waiting for him. 2. It represented Boos friendly connection with the Finch children. Everyone thought Boowas a fearsome, crazy phantom and awful rumours were spread around about him. In actual fact, Boo was a nice person, except he didnt have any contact with the outside world. He left gifts in the knothole for Jem and Scout to find, because he wanted to express his friendship. 3. Jem cries when Nathan Radley cemented the hole because he realises that Boo was trying to befriend them and Nathan Radley cut off that connection by depriving Boo of friendship, so to speak. he does not what Boo to contact the children. Chapter 8 1. They are trying to make fun of him. The reason is that he had insulted them by calling them sinners and saying the snow was all their fault. . He wants to protect Boo Radley from all the town gossip. he also wants to protect boo from getting punished by his brother 3. When her house is destroyed, Miss Maudie does not mourn over her loss. The things she lost were just possessions which could be replaced. She was glad no one was hurt. Chapter 9 a Atticus says that the word N****** is common. 1. b. Atticus knew he could never live with himself if he did not defend Tom Robinson. Though he was black, Tom Robinson was obviously innocent. Atticuss conscience would not let him send an innocent man to jail, black or not. . he disapproved of Scouts language and behavior. 2. Is Atticuss sister and Jem and Scouts Aunt. b. He is Aunt Alexandras grandson and Scout and Jems second cousin c. Jem and Scouts Uncle and Atticuss brother. d. Aunt Alexandras husband and Scout and Jems Uncle. Chapter 10 1. Scout thinks Atticus is no good, at least not as good as what they think he is anymore. One reason is because Atticus didnt teach them for to use the air rifles and leave that task to Uncle Jack. Another reason is because he is older than most of their friends fathers, at nearly 50. They see him as feeble. 2. She simply is saying because mockingbirds dont do anything but keep to themselves we shouldnt bother them ( the Radleys and Tom Robinson) 3. she explains it by saying how when god gives you a gift it is not to be taken advantage of and your father knew that their is a time and place for everything and when it was time he gave up hunting and shooting. he is a civilized man at heart 4. Jem wants Scout to pay attention and do well in school and not to brag that their father didnt attend school. Chapter 11 1. ecause mrs dubose is addicted to her pain medicine and she is dying so she doesnt want to die addicted to something so every day when jem is reading she waits a little longer to take it until she is finally off of the medicine and she dies a month later Because she was sick and really was ugly, also it adds more of an effect when she dies. 2. Because she was sick and really was ugly, also it adds more of an effect when she dies. From the early description of Mrs. Dubose, we understand that she is a very selfish, and she dont like black people. It gives you a dislike for her instantly. However, later, we learn she wants to die free of her addiction, and we learn that she is brave and strong. The author does this (as in several other instances in the novel) to remind us people are good and bad and that people should not be judged on the surface. 3Atticus tells Scout that nlover is just one of those terms that do not mean anything and that ignorant, trashy people use it when they think somebodys favoring Negroes over and above themselves when they want a common, ugly term to label somebody. Atticus goes on to say that he is indeed nlover, because he does his best to love everybody. Atticus says that Mrs. Dubose has the most courage of any person he has ever known. He holds this opinion because she had the courage to fight and overcome her addiction to morphine. Atticus Finch really had no choice in defending Tom Robinson. He knew that he couldnt hold his head up around town, that if he had turned down the case, he wouldnt be able to tell his own children what to do a nd have them listen to He was appointed to the case but he wants to try and defend him because he thinks everyone should have the same chance To Kill a Mockingbird free essay sample In the book, â€Å"To Kill A Mockingbird,† Atticus teaches his children the extremely important golden rule. He basically says, â€Å"Treat others the way you want to be treated,† as Jesus told us many many years ago. The reason that prompts his words is when Scout comes home from her first day of school. She is complaining about her teacher, Miss Caroline, and Walter Cunningham until he stops her. He is trying to help Scout consider that there might be a reason that nobody can see for way people act the way they do. Wayne Dyer says â€Å"You get treated in life the way you teach people to treat. People may have been taught to treat other people differently than they were treated, and all one can do is try to understand where they are coming from. Atticus hopes his children will learn to treat people with respect all the time no matter what they person is doing to them. We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mockingbird or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page His words do have effects on his children because Scout becomes upset at Jem for not talking to her, and she decides to â€Å"jump into his skin,† and she backs off. Miss Maudie demonstrates Atticus’s advice of seeing from another’s perspective. First, â€Å"she still took a lively and cordial interest in Jem’s and my affairs,† (97) even though she had just lost her house in a fire. When she lost her house she didn’t become sulky and miserable. Instead, she said, â€Å"Just think, I’ll have more room for my azaleas. † (97) Also, she doesn’t decide to get angry at the â€Å"foot washing baptists,† (59) for telling her that her flowers were a sin. She shows that she doesn’t get upset about the trivial things in life. She looks at the bigger picture and sees that she has her friends to support her. To Kill a Mockingbird free essay sample According to many dictionaries, symbolism is â€Å"the practice of representing things by means of symbols or of attributing symbolic meanings or significance to objects, events, or relationships†. In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, the mockingbird referred to in the title is a prominent symbol throughout; the snowman building in the winter and Atticus Finch are other examples of symbolism. Some symbols are easily seen, but some require a certain approach and a little digging to understand. The snowman, the fire in Miss Maudie Atkinsons house, and the mockingbird are all examples of symbolism. The snowman that Jem and Scout make in front of Miss Maudie Atkinsons house one winter is an example of symbolism. There is not enough snow for the snowman, so Jem uses dirt for the foundation and then covers it with the snow that they have on the ground. The snowman is symbolic in that Jem is trying to cover up the black ‘man’ and showing that he is the same as the white man, just with a different colour. We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mockingbird or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ‘‘‘Jem I ain’t ever heard of a n***** snowman’, I said. † â€Å"He won’t be black long’, he grunted. †Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Lee, p. 89) This symbol takes a certain outlook to understand, much like the main protagonist of the novel Atticus Finch. Atticus Finch is a great example of symbolism as he is seen as a hero when he kills the rabid dog. Atticus is a father in that he shows love and guidance to his children. He is also the only lawyer in Maycomb that would represent a black man. Atticus always tells his children that shooting a mockingbird is a sin because they do not do any harm â€Å"Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don’t eat up people’s gardens, don’t nest in corncribs, they don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird † (Lee, p. 117) This statement has more significance to the book than what is understood primarily. The mockingbird shows symbolism because ‘killing a mockingbird is a sin’. In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus Finch says to his children As you grow older, you will see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and don’t you forget it – whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from, that white man is trash. (Lee, p. 295) That statement is similar to what he says to his kids about killing a mockingbird. The mockingbird symbolizes discriminated black people. They are innocent and would almost never harm anyone just like the mockingbird. Boo Radley is also innocent and would never harm anyone therefore the mockingbird also symbolizes him. Boo never comes out because he does not want to face the prejudice and corruption of the county and to his knowledge, the rest of the world as Jem said â€Å"I think I’m beginning to understand why Boo Radley’s stayed shut up in his house all this time . . it’s because he wants to stay inside. † (Lee, p. 304) With all of these examples of symbolism in the novel, one cannot help but think that there is more to it than originally understood. In general symbolism reveals the prejudice, the fears and all of the dishonest things they citizens of Maycomb do. It also reveals an attempt to get rid of these feelings in Maycomb by a community hero, Atticus Finch, and his children who have a strong desire to follow in his footsteps. Underneath another event in the novel the snowman has significant symbolism along with the constant referrals to the title and main reference, the sin of killing a mockingbird. Symbolism makes this novel so very appropriate, essentially what it is about. Without having any type of symbolism, the novel would not be nearly as complete and educational, as many readers love about it.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Ag Aviation

It’s 4:30 in the morning when the alarm goes off. You crawl out of bed and look outside through the dark to see a starry sky and a slight rustle in the leaves. It’s time to move, the aphids and leafhoppers have been busy working all night causing destruction to the crop and the weeds are still choking the yield out of a good crop, both of which threaten the farmers future. You have a busy day lined up†¦over 9,000 acres to spray and more coming in every day. You hope that the wind doesn’t pick up too much so that you can get in a full day of work. You can hardly believe that you have logged nearly 100 hrs in just the past week alone trying to stay caught up filling customer orders. Your muscles burn from the strain of piloting the heavy, overloaded aircraft through so many low-level high-G turns. You preflight your aircraft and go over the work orders that you prepared the night before looking for critical information such as environmentally sensitive areas and field borders. You notice a light north wind blowing which means that half of your spray runs in the field will be into the rising sun. Very beautiful, but also very deadly as the bright sun likes to hide field obstacles. The cool morning air is smooth and you drag your heavy airplane up to 300 feet to fly out to the field. You fly over the field and look very carefully, sometimes poles are hidden in the trees on either side of the field leaving just the wire in between. This scenario has killed quite a few pilots. You check for other obstacles and plan how to maneuver to avoid houses as your 600 H.P. P&W engine is very loud. You make a wide sweeping turn to line up on the field while you set up and calibrate your GPS swath guidance equipment and check the flight instruments one more time. You enter the field at a wheel height of 3 to 5 feet and 110 MPH for optimal results and make constant altitude adjustments to maintain swath height. You take in... Free Essays on Ag Aviation Free Essays on Ag Aviation It’s 4:30 in the morning when the alarm goes off. You crawl out of bed and look outside through the dark to see a starry sky and a slight rustle in the leaves. It’s time to move, the aphids and leafhoppers have been busy working all night causing destruction to the crop and the weeds are still choking the yield out of a good crop, both of which threaten the farmers future. You have a busy day lined up†¦over 9,000 acres to spray and more coming in every day. You hope that the wind doesn’t pick up too much so that you can get in a full day of work. You can hardly believe that you have logged nearly 100 hrs in just the past week alone trying to stay caught up filling customer orders. Your muscles burn from the strain of piloting the heavy, overloaded aircraft through so many low-level high-G turns. You preflight your aircraft and go over the work orders that you prepared the night before looking for critical information such as environmentally sensitive areas and field borders. You notice a light north wind blowing which means that half of your spray runs in the field will be into the rising sun. Very beautiful, but also very deadly as the bright sun likes to hide field obstacles. The cool morning air is smooth and you drag your heavy airplane up to 300 feet to fly out to the field. You fly over the field and look very carefully, sometimes poles are hidden in the trees on either side of the field leaving just the wire in between. This scenario has killed quite a few pilots. You check for other obstacles and plan how to maneuver to avoid houses as your 600 H.P. P&W engine is very loud. You make a wide sweeping turn to line up on the field while you set up and calibrate your GPS swath guidance equipment and check the flight instruments one more time. You enter the field at a wheel height of 3 to 5 feet and 110 MPH for optimal results and make constant altitude adjustments to maintain swath height. You take in...

Friday, November 22, 2019

European sovereign debt crisis DURING 2010-2011 Essay

European sovereign debt crisis DURING 2010-2011 - Essay Example This was recorded to spread to Greece, Portugal and Ireland at the wake of 2009. This led to the business and the economies’ collapsing and the investors lacking confidence in these economies and this led to the further increase of the public sector debt. The public fiscal balances have faced substantial collateral damages since the 2007 global debt crisis. (Mitsopoulos, M. and Pelagidis, T. (2010) II. Background of the Crisis The crisis majorly erupted in the 2009 autumn season when there was bad governance in the euro zone as well as Greece. The roots of this had come in the previous decade where there was major borrowing in the international capital markets to fund the government budget and the current account deficit. The structural rigidities, weak revenue collection policies, strategies and the profligacy of the Greece government led to this heightened debt crisis. The newly elected government revised the budget to almost double in October. The investors were not pleased by this but the government tried to sell its bonds to the international market which fared well until the euro stat and the European union statistical agency had to go back at it and downgraded its bonds again. The nation then had a great debt in relation to its GDP. There was a weak coordination and management as regards the dealing with deficit. This was seen as the major reason why the debt was not controlled. III. Reasons behind the financial crisis The policies that were put in place were not the right ones to deal with the issue. To make the matters worse, the government wrong timing in the disclosure of the 2009 fiscal deficit to be below 10% and the proclamation that it would rise was sickening as this led to the investors lacking confidence and even lenders to be reluctant in offering loans to Greece. There was ever abundance on ambiguity in the budget lines. The budget lines were used to show the grouped spending items within the division of public administration the mana gement was seen to lack competency and inefficiency due to the ambiguity that mislead the lenders and the investors driving in more fears among them. The officials lacked the knowledge required in the evaluation of the policies against the government preferences. (Mitropoulos & Pelagidis, 2010) These programs have been progressing at a very slow tempo and have, therefore, derailed the reform programs in the health, labor culture and pension schemes and for such reasons, the country has been facing major structural unemployment in the last decade especially among the young people. This has been compensated by the GDP in regard to the feeble laws that have been imposed. (Schneider et al., 2010) On April 23rd 2010, the Greek government made an official request to be assisted by the IMF in conjunction with the euro zone countries because its statistics had shown a major crisis in its part to raise the funds to repay what they owe other countries. IV. Body Portfolio Theory and CAPM Due t o situations like the ones facing the European market, investors have come up with various ways to determine pricing of their stocks and manage their risky portfolios alike. Some of the theories used under such are Portfolio theory and CAPM. These are expounded as per the following paragraphs. Portfolio theory is a theory that is centered on the process through which any given investor can make up portfolios that maximize the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

B2B Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

B2B Marketing - Essay Example Product realization entails the preliminary research towards initiation of products that are to be marketed as well as the actual development and testing of those products over their effectiveness in meeting customer demand. In the framework of new product realization the entire process comprises a number of steps that constitute the procedure efficient in terms of matching the ‘new product’ to be launched with the market demand. However, as Storey and Easingwood (1999) indicate, new product development should be consistent with the market trends and with the firm’s capabilities and resources. In that extend, firms should be highly focusing on designing those characteristics and attaching those features to their new products/ services that are meaningful and ‘desirable’ for both customers and the firms themselves. Adopting a market driven strategy with regards to new product realization is vital in that it eventually allows management to identify and explore the critical stakeholders’ requirements or needs and gradually embed these in the product/service specifications prior to launching a new product/service (Herrmann et al., 2000). Strategic new product realizations offer comparative advantages to organizations mostly due to the fact that they are credited for increasing competence, adding value to the firms’ offerings and eventually strengthen the competitive opposition in the overall market environments (Storey and Easingwood, 1999). However, product realization strategy needs to be market – oriented in order to provide the fundamental basis for successful results. According to Chakravarty (2001) the development of new products is essential only if these new products incorporate and embed the customer requirements, customer needs and generally pertain to addressing customer demand. The author further expands this view by arguing that market driven product realization strategy reflects the strategic fit of the new

Monday, November 18, 2019

Body language within the counselling forum and its implications Thesis

Body language within the counselling forum and its implications - Thesis Example What cues are and how researchers have thrashed out issues in counseling have been discussed. The significance of body language and how interpretations are made by the counselor are also discussed. The counselling profession for exceptional mental health needs shows an emerging trend on a global scale which has given shape to international counselling (Hohenshil 2010 p.3). Though found only in the US at one point of time, counselling has spread its wings to an international level. Developing tailored counselling programs is a challenge in itself. Political orientation does not influence this practice of counselling. Whatever the politics of a region, the positive mental health is a priceless social and economic asset (Hohenshil 2010 p 3). Advanced counseling systems with professional associations, armed with good credentials, highly qualified trained counsellors and unique counselling programs which produce the maximum positive results are a blessing to a nation. The multi-cultural diversity would require that programs are modified according to the needs of the local community. Diversity is seen in the national histories, social orientation (whether collectivistic or individua listic) and in different economic situations and political settings (Hohenshil 2010 p 3). Every field of practice has been developed to include counselling. Schools have counselling for their children who need help when they become backward in studies or have some issues with teachers and other students. Professional counsellors may need to have training if they have to cope with new situations. The counselling profession is in a different developmental stage in different countries. Progress is occurring at a fast pace (Hohenshil 2010 p 3). Body language or nonverbal communication constitutes a major component of counseling. Studying nonverbal communication is simulated to a treasure hunt without a map or tools

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Working Mother Base On Attachment Theory

Working Mother Base On Attachment Theory There are increasing number of women continue their careers after given birth to their childs. They are regarded as working mothers, whom are facing many difficulties to keep balance between the work and the family. This phenomenon led to many studies about the effect of maternal employment base on a secure mother-infant attachment.This paper raise the question: many mothers are often confronted with the dilemma of choosing between their jobs or careers, and their children, whether they should come back to work after post partum. The attachment theory in this paper was found by John Bowlby, whom emphasized the importance of mothers attention and care on the infant. He argued that there was a long time last influence on the infant future life. There are also contemporary reasearches suggested that maternal employment have benefits on the family and the infant. The paper analyze the deveopment of mother-infant attachment theories and current studies, to evaluate the positive and negati ve effect to the infant of working mother. Infant-mother attachment Attachment theory was formulated by psychiatrist and psychoanalyst John Bowlby. It is a psychological, evolutionary, and ethological theory concerning relationships between humans pointed out that a young child needs to develop a relationship with at least one primary caregiver for social and emotional development to occur normally . According to his study of attachment theory, infant behaviour associated with attachment is primarily the seeking of proximity to an attachment figure, moreover, secure base and safe haven are the features and function of attachment relationships. Infants become attached to adults who are sensitive and responsive in social interactions with them. Many experts agree that the mother-child attachment bond is the term for our first interactive love relationship-the one we had with our primary caregivers, our mothers. The mother-child attachment bond shapes infants brains, profoundly influencing their self-esteem, their expectations of others, and their ability to attract and maintain successful relationships . Nowadays studies also support that during the early development, the infant-mother interaction and the early social experiences may produce long-lasting changes in the brain of the infant with profound behavioral and emotional effects throughout the whole life . The infant behaviors that have been implicated as resulting from this theoretically compromised mother infant relationship have included slight, transient effects on sociability and affective sharing to results suggesting significant increases in irritability, cognitive delays, behavioral problems, and difficulties with attachment among others . Overall, following attachment theory, the early connection developed between a primary child care provider and an infant is essential for development. Lacking of experience make it difficult for them to handle the issue about this new member and family transition, especially for the first-time parenthood. The success or failure of the attachment bond has a life-long effect in a persons life. Maternal employment and infant attachment Whether and how about the mothers working status affect the infant was a topic of great interest in the 1980s. In the context of mothers increased participation in paid work, attention has also turned to the impact of maternal employment and the use of nonmaternal child care as additional factors likely to affect maternal caregiving and the developing attachment relationship. Many scientists, politicians, and parents were worried about the children, especially infant, would suffer if others but not the moter cared for them most of the time , others argued that such worries were based on oppressive sexist prejudices not data . So debates started, positive or negative influence on the attachment of mother and infant, whether working mothers is taking the responsibility of the infant or not. Why do mothers go to work Why mothers go to work; in Hong Kong society, women go to work for more personal and social reasons than for financial reasons. In traditional society, mothers are performing stereotyped roles as be responsible for the household, such as doing housework, preparing dinner, caring of the children and husband. Now in modern society, women are no longer restricted by the traditional mother and wife role. For the economical reason, they want to make more benefits to the family and gain more independence in economic position. For the education standard, women who achieved high educational qualification, want to apply their knowledge to the work and pursue a successful career, and they are needed by the society. For the changing social norms, women are achieving more equalities in work, morevoer, they are not acted as bad moms when they go to work and pay less attention on the children. The whole society tend to accept working mothers. Though several reasons and conditions mentioned above seem to allow mothers to join the workforce, still many of them face with a dilemma regarding their career and family . Still so many mother feel struggling in the situation of whether to work or not. Negative aspect of working mothers According to the above attachment theories, it is easy to acknowledget the harm that would do to the infant lack of attachment. It is to say that negative influences on the development of secure attachment, or even potentially damaging . Fail to provide the child with sufficient structure, recognition, understanding, safety, and mutual accord may lead to become physically and emotionally distant in relationships in later relationship, remain insecure, become disorganized, aggressive and angry, and develop slowly. . A working mother is tend to create an insecure and inconsistent attachment. Stifter, Coulehan, and Fish , found no significant connections between work status and attachment security, but did caught the public attention of the consideration and inclusion of other variables such as maternal separation anxiety and maternal sensitivity. Specially the research did find that infants of mothers who were employed but reported high work-related separation anxiety were more likely to develop anxious-avoidant attachments. And then, a finding suggested that employed mother were less invested in parenthood and had high level of anxiety , implied high anxiety would get in the way of taking good care of the infant. A baby is supposed to grow up to be loving, well adjusted individual. A full-time employed mother would have missed out on being there and watching the baby from up close. These are important formative period, as a mothers instinct, want to be around to strengthen the attachment bond between mother and infant. The effects of maternal employment of secure mother-infant attachment relationship to be negative of majority according to those researches. These evidences support the hypothesis that working mothers increase the risk of some undesirable outcomes, espacilly in the babys first year. Positive aspect of working mothers Do maternal employment have an adverse effect on the children? The answer may be no. In fact, mothers with careers have a positive impact on children, as they serve as good role models. A study in Australia found no relation between maternal employment and infant attachment. In the early study, Bowlby insisted that separation from the mother should be kept to a minimum . However, in the further study, he developed his statement as a subsidiary attachment figure can meet an infants needs adequately in the primary figures absence . In another words, mother was not the only attachment bond to the baby and this finding gave the mother an opportunity to take a breath during the overwhelming duties. She did not need to take the only responsibility to the feedback towards the infant. Later, some scholars emphasized quality but not quantity of the attachment. Too much and too sensative responds to the baby may triggered a spoiling parental style. Prior to an infants self-regulation of external stimuli, parents are responsible . Parents have to learn the difference between too much and too little responds for managing the infant inattentiveness and excessive stimulation. Providing the appropriate amount of feedback for the baby is conducting a healthy attachment bond. I was impressed by a professorss saying that many parents feel very selfish and cruel in leaving their crying young child for the absence time. However, it is not only a beneficial opportunity for her parents, it is also an important lesson in trust for her that you will always be clear about when you are leaving, you will always provide a caring protector while you are gone, and, best of all, you always return to love and protect her . Parents should be comforted that, properly leaving but not always stick to the baby is also buliding a trustful relationship. For the further concern of the baby, Such working mothers tend to emphasise education, and also manage to spend quality time with their children. Talking about the dual income, the standard of living is higher, children get access to better quality education and extra-curricular activities. Acadamic statistic demonstrated this fact: secure parental employment lowers the incidence of poverty and the associated risks to children . The increase in the percentage of children living with a working parent is welcome news, said Duane Alexander, M.D., Director of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development of the National Institutes of Health. Secure parental employment helps to reduce the psychological toll on families, brought on by parental unemployment and underemployment.Secure parental employment may also enhance childrens psychological well-being and improve family functioning by reducing stress and other negative effects that unemployment and underemployment can have on parents. Conclusion As we can see, there are pros and cons about maternal employmet. So we still have to deal with this dilemma and make our own decision. I think there are no right or wrong answers in this case. Whether you want to get back to work from the day you stop nursing your child, or whether you want to be a homemaker your entire life is entirely up to you. Some women find joy in the workplace, while others find it at home. In some conditions, women can handle both children and work well though it is a hard task. Maybe having one does not require sacrificing the other.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Elements of Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays

Elements of Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter    200 Words of Teacher’s Praise and Comments  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Nathaniel Hawthorne uses several literary devices to give his novel The Scarlet Letter depth. One of these devices is symbolism. Hawthorne utilizes symbolism to convey certain points or themes to the reader by using ordinary objects. Three of the elements he uses as symbols are the settings of the Puritan town and the forest and weather.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     The first of the two main settings is the Puritan town that includes the prison and the scaffold. The Puritan law is based on their religion. The town maintains a sense of strict moral values and disciplinary measures in accordance with the Puritan religion. Therefore, the town stands for lawfulness and purity. It serves as a contrast to Hester Prynne’s scarlet letter. The prison that the city was built around serves as a symbol as well. It represents guilt and the human tendency to sin, and it also symbolizes penance. Hester is forced to spend time in jail for committing the sin of adultery, and it is the starting point of Hester’s trek of shame to the scaffold in the market place. The scaffold itself is another symbol Hawthorne uses. Like the prison, it also symbolizes sin and guilt. â€Å"The very ideal of ignominy was embodied and made manifest in this contrivance of wood and iron† (60). It provides the setting of several important scenes in the novel. It is where Hester is forced to stand for three hours as punishment, where Dimmesdale, Pearl, and Hester stand in the night, and where Dimmesdale reveals himself and dies. It is also a symbol of truth because Dimmesdale’s great revelation occurred there.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The second setting is the forest just outside of the town. It proves to be a kind of dramatic foil to the idealistic Puritan society. The Puritans maintain a community that thrives on purity and lack of sin. The forest, on the other hand, is a symbol of lawlessness and desecration. It is shrouded in mystery and retains a dark and foreboding air. The Puritans abhor the forest because it stands as a perfect example of evil. However, the witches that live in the town view it very differently. They appreciate the anonymity the forest provides them. Thus they are free to pay homage to the Black Man in secret. Their presence reiterates the fact that the forest is a symbol of darkness. Elements of Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays Elements of Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter    200 Words of Teacher’s Praise and Comments  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Nathaniel Hawthorne uses several literary devices to give his novel The Scarlet Letter depth. One of these devices is symbolism. Hawthorne utilizes symbolism to convey certain points or themes to the reader by using ordinary objects. Three of the elements he uses as symbols are the settings of the Puritan town and the forest and weather.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     The first of the two main settings is the Puritan town that includes the prison and the scaffold. The Puritan law is based on their religion. The town maintains a sense of strict moral values and disciplinary measures in accordance with the Puritan religion. Therefore, the town stands for lawfulness and purity. It serves as a contrast to Hester Prynne’s scarlet letter. The prison that the city was built around serves as a symbol as well. It represents guilt and the human tendency to sin, and it also symbolizes penance. Hester is forced to spend time in jail for committing the sin of adultery, and it is the starting point of Hester’s trek of shame to the scaffold in the market place. The scaffold itself is another symbol Hawthorne uses. Like the prison, it also symbolizes sin and guilt. â€Å"The very ideal of ignominy was embodied and made manifest in this contrivance of wood and iron† (60). It provides the setting of several important scenes in the novel. It is where Hester is forced to stand for three hours as punishment, where Dimmesdale, Pearl, and Hester stand in the night, and where Dimmesdale reveals himself and dies. It is also a symbol of truth because Dimmesdale’s great revelation occurred there.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The second setting is the forest just outside of the town. It proves to be a kind of dramatic foil to the idealistic Puritan society. The Puritans maintain a community that thrives on purity and lack of sin. The forest, on the other hand, is a symbol of lawlessness and desecration. It is shrouded in mystery and retains a dark and foreboding air. The Puritans abhor the forest because it stands as a perfect example of evil. However, the witches that live in the town view it very differently. They appreciate the anonymity the forest provides them. Thus they are free to pay homage to the Black Man in secret. Their presence reiterates the fact that the forest is a symbol of darkness.

Monday, November 11, 2019

An Ode to My Sunglasses

An ode to my sunglasses There is something about my golden aviator sunglasses that is more than sun protection, more than anybody else can ever imagine. Every time I put them on I instantly become happier. A lot of women around the world have the same pair, as they were mass-produced by the brand Guess, and so mine isn’t unique at all in that sense. Neither is my happiness triggered by a materialistic satisfaction by wearing a â€Å"brand†.I received them from a special person, when I was ready to draw mental punctuation mark in my life. Those punctuation marks in life, often called phases, more often misused – the reason I call them punctuation marks. You drew them on the day you lost something or someone special, the day you realized that your parents were human, the day you got your first paycheck, and so on. You will draw your full stop when you have reached your end.When I put on my sunglasses, my eyes are immediately drenched in a creamy vision, the world a s I know it becomes beige. Everyone feels a sense of detachment when they wear their sunglasses, you feel like you could spy on people without them noticing, or you could camouflage a burse, your red shoot eyes, or to simply help you from yielding to your terrible hangover. But my sunglasses are special to me, because when I put them on, I feel detached from all the sadness of the world.When the world is dipped in that smooth beige, time is no longer a burden that drags me down. A year ago I found myself on a beach in Istanbul, a city I am used to going when I need to escape from something or someone – people were chatting, laughing, with the energy and the heat I felt like I could hardly breath. When I was sitting by the beach thinking about all that I have left behind in Vienna, that five excruciatingly long years of marriage, I was suddenly awakened by a woman’s voice.This tanned woman about the same age as me offered me a beer, when I took the beer I noticed her ha nds were almost pruned, way too old for her age, she comfortably sat down next to with a big smile that immediately warmed my heart. We began chatting randomly; she spoke with such passion about Istanbul, the street where she grew up, the places she’s been. She made me feel so comfortable that I couldn’t help but pour my heart out to her. We sat there chatted for three five hours straight. All that is very well,† suddenly she stopped me, â€Å"but all you are telling me is what other people needed,† she had the accent of a bird, â€Å"the help they needed from you. † she looked at me straight in the eye, no longer focused on the spectacular sea view, or fiddling with the sand with her pruned hands, the only hands that she depended on since the age of fourteen. The deep and penetrating look stunned me, those eyes looked like as if they were made of dark glassy stones, and she had the face that gives away the years of hardship she has been through. â €Å"What do you want?You need to think more for yourself, you need to take long naps, relax, be selfish! † she could see that I was nervous, so she began laughing, and I was suddenly tranquilized again in her warmth. â€Å"You need something to handle the sunset in Istanbul, it is the strongest and the most passionate sunset in the world! So, here you go / take mine and Make the world golden for you! † I took the Guess sunglasses from her hand, and as I put them on, the sky began to be ripped in half by the sunlight, with splashes of purple and red. That day a journey started and the end is written in the sky†¦

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Complex Ions and Precipitation Reactions

Complex Ions and Precipitation Reactions Among the most common reactions in the qualitative analysis are those involving the formation or decomposition of complex ions and precipitation reactions. These reactions may be performed directly by adding the appropriate anion, or a reagent such as H2S or NH3 may dissociate in water to furnish the anion. Strong acid may be used to dissolve precipitates containing a basic anion. Ammonia or sodium hydroxide may be used to bring a solid into solution if the cation in the precipitate forms a stable complex with NH3 or OH-. A cation is usually present as a single principal species, which may be a complex ion, free ion, or precipitate. If the reaction goes to completion the principal species is a complex ion. The precipitate is the principal species if most of the precipitate remains undissolved. If a cation forms a stable complex, the addition of a complexing agent at 1 M or greater generally will convert the free ion to complex ion. The dissociation constant Kd can be used to determine the extent to which a cation is converted to a complex ion. The solubility product constant Ksp can be used to determine the fraction of cation remaining in a solution after precipitation. Kd and Ksp are both required to calculate the equilibrium constant for dissolving a precipitate in a complexing agent. Complexes of Cations with NH3 and OH- Cation NH3 Complex OH- Complex Ag+ Ag(NH3)2+ Al3+ Al(OH)4- Cd2+ Cd(NH3)42+ Cu2+ Cu(NH3)42+ (blue) Ni2+ Ni(NH3)62+ (blue) Pb2+ Pb(OH)3- Sb3+ Sb(OH)4- Sn4+ Sn(OH)62- Zn2+ Zn(NH3)42+ Zn(OH)42-

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Complete Guide to Grants for College

The Complete Guide to Grants for College SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you know you’ll need to get financial aid to make college more affordable (most students do, by the way), then you should definitely learn everything you can about grants. They happen to be some of the best forms of financial aid you can get. Here, I’ll tell you exactly why grants are so great and why you should seek them out. Then, I’ll get to the important stuff: where and how you can get your own grant awards. Let’s get started! What Are Grants for College? Grants are sometimes called â€Å"gift aid.† Grant money is funding that you don’t have to work for (like work study) and that you don’t have to pay back (like loans). At this point, you may be thinking that college grants sound pretty similar to scholarships. And you’re right - they generally work in the same way in that you don’t have to pay back either type of funding. The major difference between grants and scholarships is that grants are usually primarily based on financial need, whereas scholarships are often merit-based or need- and merit-based. Why Are Grants so Great? College grants are awesome forms of financial aid because they lower your college costs immediately and forever. Other forms of financial aid - loans, specifically - are helpful when you don’t have the money to pay for college, but they can become a burden after you graduate because you have to pay them back (plus interest). Loans are band-aids that cost you money in the long run - this doesn’t mean that they can’t be helpful and important forms of financial aid, but grants are superior to loans because you get the money up front and are under no obligation to pay back the funds later on. Another reason why grants are so great? Because they tend to be need-based, they’re often awarded to students who need them the most. Although there are definitely financial aid opportunities out there for students who come from more privileged backgrounds, grants are primarily awarded to students with very limited financial resources. Where Can You Get Grants for College? There are a few major sources of grants for college students. Because there’s no standardized application, protocol, or eligibility criteria for all grants available to college students, things can seem a bit complicated at first. Not to worry, though - things aren’t as complicated if you’re able to break down grants by funding source. Here are the most important places to find grant funding, along with basic eligibility criteria for each funding source. Federal Government - Eligibility requirements for federal grants are laid out in our Pell Grant guide. Overall, the requirements are pretty lax - the major ones are that you need a high school diploma or GED, and you need to be enrolled (or accepted to enroll) in a college or career school. State Government - Eligibility requirements for state-based grants will, unsurprisingly, vary by state. At the very least you should meet all federal requirements in addition to being a state resident. Get more detailed information about state financial aid programs. Your School - In the context of this post, I’m defining a grant as an award that’s strictly need-based. Schools may award grants or â€Å"scholarships† that are based on financial need, not merit, to students who have been accepted and need help paying the full Cost of Attendance. Eligibility reqs will vary by school, but some schools tend to be more generous than others. If you only take away one piece of information from this section, it should be this: the most well-known grants are the ones offered through the federal government. The application process and eligibility requirements are very standardized, so the grants are very predictable. Predictability means you can estimate a budget for your grant awards before you even apply! Federal sources should be your first consideration when you start looking into grant opportunities. Federal Grants for College There are many different federal grant options, each with their own requirements and award amounts. Here, I’ll cover the main federal grants and what you should know about them. Pell Grants - These are for students who haven’t yet earned a bachelor’s or professional degree. The maximum award for 2016-2017 is $5,815, although the amount you get is determined by your financial need. This is the largest and most important federal grant program. FSEOG (Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant) - These are for undergraduate students with exceptional financial need. They’re administered directly by the financial aid offices at participating schools, and are therefore called â€Å"campus-based† aid. Recipients get between $100-$4,000 per year depending on financial need. TEACH Grants (Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education) - These are different from most other grants because they have some strings attached. The awards are meant to help students pay for college if they plan on becoming a teacher in a high-need field in a low-income area. To keep the grant from becoming a loan, you need to take certain kinds of classes and get a certain kind of job. Students can get up to $4,000 per year. Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants - Students whose parent or guardian died as a result of military service in Iraq or Afghanistan may be eligible for these grants. The grant maximum is the same as that of the Pell Grant, which is $5,815 for 2016-2017. These awards can cover a pretty significant chunk of your college expenses, especially if you’re also getting aid from other sources, like outside scholarships or school-based financial aid. State Grants for College State grant amounts and eligibility will vary based on where you live. Sometimes you just need to fill out a FAFSA to be considered for state grant aid, whereas other times you’ll need to fill out a separate financial aid application. The good news is that almost every state education agency has at least one grant or scholarship available to residents. For more information, look into grant availability for your state. Grants from Your College or University Just like with state grants, institutional grant aid availability and eligibility will vary based on the school you attend. Many highly ranked schools offer relatively large amounts of grant aid based on financial need. Some schools offer impressive amounts of merit aid in order to attract competitive applicants. There are a couple of ways you can get more info about typical grant aid at a particular school: Check out that school’s net price calculator (almost every school has one on its admissions and/or financial aid website). You enter in your financial and sometimes academic information, and the tool spits out an estimate of the amount of aid you’d receive if you attended that school. Google â€Å"[school name] PrepScholar tuition† for our page on that school’s grant, scholarship, and loan availability. The page will walk you through estimating your own aid eligibility at that school. Example: The first search result link here is the one you want. How Do You Apply for Grants? Now that you have a better idea of why grants are awesome and how much money you can actually get, the next step would be to submit those grant applications. So where do you start? Again, the process for applying for college grants depends on where the money comes from. Here, I’ll break down application processes for the major sources of grant funding. Federal Government You may not have expected this, but the federal government actually makes it pretty easy to apply for grant funding (and all federal funding, really). You just have to submit one application: the FAFSA. You’ll need to gather quite a bit of financial information for both yourself and your parents before you start, but once you have that paperwork the actual application shouldn’t take long. Get step-by-step instructions on how to complete your FAFSA. To estimate the amount of aid you’ll be eligible for before you even submit your FAFSA, read about how to use the FASFA4caster. State Government Unfortunately, some states don’t make it quite as easy to apply for grants. You’ll have to do your own research on what your state of residency requires. Learn more about specific state aid availability and application processes. Your School Oftentimes, your application for grant money (at least for your freshman year) is your college application - you may not need to submit any additional paperwork, which really streamlines the whole process. To double-check that you’re not missing out on any grant opportunities at a specific school, just Google â€Å"[school name] grants and scholarships.† There should be a page on that school’s financial aid website with more information on available aid - just make sure you’re only looking at awards for undergraduate students at the grade level you’re entering. For more information on school grant aid, check out these posts: Schools with the best financial aid Schools with 100% financial aid How to win a full ride scholarship Other Options for Financial Aid If you’re on the lookout for need-based aid, there are other options out there besides grant funding. Scholarships Many private and nonprofit organizations offer scholarships (remember, scholarships often include merit requirements) with strict financial need qualifications. Scholarships from private organizations may be offered on a local, state, national, or even international level - as you might expect, then, there’s no single consolidated database with information on all available grants from private sources. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t good resources out there for you to start your research! Each private scholarship or grant organization will have its own deadline, eligibility requirements, and application process. The good news is that this means more chances to win money; the bad news is that you’ll have to keep track of a lot of moving parts, especially if you apply to several grant or scholarship programs. Step one is actually finding grant/scholarship programs you think may be a good fit. I personally think this is the hardest part of the process. Then, you just have to be organized about submitting all parts of your applications in a polished and timely fashion. Read more about how to win a full ride scholarship for more information on getting grant aid. You can also check out our guides to individual scholarship programs, like the Gates Millennium and Coca-Cola scholarships, for tips and strategies for winning competitive awards. Check out these guides to learn more about private grants and scholarships: The best scholarship search tools The ultimate local scholarship guide Top scholarships for juniors and seniors in high school How to get a merit scholarship Easy scholarships to win Easy scholarships to apply for Most of these scholarship programs consider both merit and financial need when awarding funds. Federal Work Study The Federal Work Study Program encourages employers to hire students with federal work study awards, which opens up job opportunities for you while you’re in college. This isn’t a grant, loan, or scholarship - you earn a wage like with any other job, but you’re able to use the money as you see fit. You’re considered for a Work Study award when you submit your FAFSA, so you don’t have any extra paperwork to fill out if you’re interested in this need-based program. Read more about Federal Work Study for more information. Summary: How Grants Can Help You Grants - which are available from all sorts of sources - are a great way to make college more affordable, especially if your family is relatively low-income (this increases your chances of qualifying for grant aid). To optimize the amount of grant money you receive, you should check out funding from federal, state, institutional, and private sources. This may mean that you juggle several deadlines and applications, but I promise that if you do your due diligence ahead of time, the money you save will prove worth it in the long run. What’s Next? There are so many other things to learn if you’re interested in budgeting smart for college. Start off by getting the basics on by learning about the four different types of financial aid. Then, read more about reducing your dependence on loans - this means less debt to worry about once you graduate. If you won’t be getting much (or any) financial support from family, you may want to learn more about how to pay for college without your parents. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Monday, November 4, 2019

Compare and Contrast the Government Reforms in Australian Employment Essay

Compare and Contrast the Government Reforms in Australian Employment Relations since 1993 - Essay Example The reforms have made significant impacts on the growth in the knowledge and service sectors of the economy, the shift towards more precarious works, deregulation, competitiveness and individualism and emergence of normative HRM with performance orientation as well (Burgess, 2008, p. 19). The employment and industrial relation in Australia has long been part of one of the developments and successive arbitral model, but in the nineties, these have been challenged, modified and reshaped into an enterprise-focused system. The main reforms to promote the enterprise-focused system has been enhanced by the 1993 Reforms Act that in turn has become a fundamental move to dismantle many key coordinating and generalizing systems and tendencies that were evident in the early arbitral model. The Workplace Relations Act of 1996 has been another step in abandoning the ideas and relationships of the arbitral model and has put efforts to reinforce the enterprise and non-union focused employment relation in Australia (Gardner and Palmer, 1997, p. 44). Murray (2002) emphasized that employment relation reforms can enhance increased employee participation in workplace practices. The reforms can also help the companies solve real business problems, reduction in product development cycles, better customer focus etc. the development of information system and computer technologies have made it necessary that changes in employment relation would help companies solve difficulties and risks associated with workplace practices (p. 128- 130). Reforms and innovations in workplace relation, especially when it is with the collaboration of management, workers, and unions seem to be long-lasting. The Workplace Relation reforms in Australia have been found to be both collaborative with management and unions and being forced on the parties due to the particular crisis (Lansbury, 2000, p. 30).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Health Disparities Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 75

Health Disparities - Assignment Example For example, health statistics indicate that African Americans experience the highest mortality rates from cerebrovascular disease, HIV/AIDS, cancer and heart disease more than any other racial or ethnic group in the United States (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012). Most of the American Indians die from unintentional injuries, cirrhosis, liver disease and diabetes. The reasons for these health disparities among racial and ethnic groups is complex and clearly not understood, but they largely relate to socioeconomic differences, environmental degradation, differences in health-related risk factors, and direct and indirect impacts of racial and ethnic discrimination (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012). This paper, therefore, reflects on two articles and establishes whether the information and data presented hold true in addressing health disparities among racial and ethnic groups in the U.S., and further recommends solutions to practices or beliefs that seem to support these biased patterns. Jack Geiger, in his article â€Å"Racial and ethnic disparities in diagnosis and treatment: a review of the evidence and a consideration of causes,† reviewed a number of researched works addressing health disparities issues in the United States. He established that the fundamental explanations of disparities and the key determinants of population health status among American racial and ethnic groups lie in physical, social, and economic environment, which are, in turn, influenced by the larger society’s values, norms, political economy, and social stratification systems (Geiger, 2003). He further identifies that the two variables that most studies frequently cited as the leading cause of disparities reflected beliefs and values which are common in the larger society. The first is biological differences (racial) as a significant contributor to health disparities. I agree with the author that, in spite of the current understanding of race as a social concept, the notion of the significance of racial grouping, in terms of medical grounds, continues to appear even in the current societies.  Ã‚